When you become a member of AEE, you will have access to a variety of programs. AEE membership includes subscriptions to leading-edge technical publications and newsletters, discounts on training programs, conferences, and professional services, and industry networking opportunities.
Free Monthly Webinars
We are pleased to offer members free monthly webinars from industry experts on important energy topics. AEE will issue a certificate of attendance for member webinars, and attendees may use the webinars as contact hours toward AEE certification renewals. Each contact hour is equivalent to 0.2 credits toward your AEE certification renewal. (Please note that it is up to the discretion of other associations on whether they will approve the content as contact hours for other renewals.)
AEE members receive complimentary subscriptions to leading edge professional publications including,
AEE sponsors numerous continuing education seminar and conference programs across the country. Members typically receive a $100 discount off of the non-member registration rate for these programs. For a listing of upcoming programs, please visit : Shows & conferences and Seminars AEE members also receive a 15% discount on reference books offered through the AEE book catalog and through the Online Bookstore. These discounts add up and can more than offset your membership dues.
Each year, AEE polls its members on vital issues impacting the energy, facility management, utility, environment, and power industry. As an AEE member, you will be able to submit your opinion on industry matters. Results of the survey, such as Salary Survey, AEE Member Opinion Survey, Energy Services Survey, along with the Cogeneration & Competitive Power Institute Survey, are published in issues of the member publication AEE Energy Insight .The complete survey is distributed to corporate members. These surveys reflect how the industry is changing and keeps members abreast of important trends
In order to take a more active role in providing members with increased job opportunities, AEE has established an online job Center . Here, you can view various job postings, which are continuously being updated. If you are seeking qualified candidates, we invite you to post your job opportunity in the Job Center.
AEE has teamed-up with various suppliers to offer its members special discounts and access to information services. Please contact the vendor directly to sign-up for their program and for any special terms and conditions
AEE gives special recognition both to individuals and companies who have demonstrated notable contributions to the profession and exceptional service to the Association. This recognition is awarded on the local, regional, and international levels.
Awards are given in these major categories :
The Energy Managers' Hall of Fame recognizes individuals for their lifetime achievements in promoting both the practices and principles of energy management. A permanent display indicating all Hall of Fame honorees will be in place at AEE world headquarters. Each person admitted to the Hall of Fame receives an award - usually presented at an AEE convention - signifying the individual's particular accomplishments.
Undergraduate scholarship assistance is provided through the Foundation of the Association of Energy Engineers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering education in energy and management. To date, the Foundation has awarded a total of $450,000 in funds for use by outstanding students. To apply for a scholarship, your request must first be sent to your local chapter for consideration.
Some other reasons why you ought to join the AEE are as follows :